Ontario Breweries Pay Higher Tax Than Rest Of Coutry

The Ontario Craft Brewers Association, an advocate for craft breweries representing over 100 small independent craft breweries in Ontario, states that Ontario Craft Breweries pay more tax than any other brewers in the country. Moreover, OCB states that the tax rate is eight times higher than it is for Alberta. A study by the Canadian Centre for Economic Analysis found also Ontario craft breweries have incurred a 35 % greater increase in Ontario’s beer basic tax rate when compared to internationally-owned brewing companies since 2010.

The report goes on to state that the Ontario industry could grow by 40 percent if the tax and regulatory system were modernized and that growth could add 1,000 new jobs.

In response the Ontario Craft Brewers have created a website Keep Craft Beer Local, a site with an easy-to-fill-in form to send a letter to your MPP.

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