Craft Beer Mimosa

This is a nice brunch drink to serve guests on a lazy summer weekend or as a special treat for yourself. You might need it this hot weekend – it’s going to be a scorcher!

Craft beer mimosa made with fresh orange juice and Witty Traveller Belgian Wit from Railway City. I was skeptical beer and orange juice would be a good mix, but I’m a convert now.

Photo credit: Jackie Ferrier

A five to one ratio is a good place to start (orange juice to beer, silly). Witty Traveller is great on its own, but a good fit for this mimosa as the body of the beer is light to medium. And there are nice spicy notes to this beer. A slight peppery feel on the tongue combined with other notes of clove, bananas, orange really spices up orange juice.

I wouldn’t judge you if you thought a bit of experimentation was in order to find that right balance of beer to orange juice.

About the beer

Photo credit: Railway City

Style: Belgian Wit

Body: Light/Medium

Aroma: Potpourri of spices & fruit, sweet anise seed & orange rind

Taste: Spices & orange rind, clove & bananas, soft & sweet arrowroot biscuit, fresh pepper & gingersnap finish

Get it at Railway City Brewing

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